Friday, December 8, 2023

Dissapate video idea

 Very Rough


Dissipate - Lyrics



EXT Road with houses decorated for christmas


People decorate their houses for the seasons

and my table is crowded with the people who aren’t here

Jim walks pass houses decorated for Christmas.

Close ups of decorations

Jim slows down and stops as he looks at a house where you can see people in a dining room window gathered around to eat

close up of Jim as looks towards house

close up of people in a dining room window gathered


EXT House with dining room windo visible from road

Jim, Party guest

sometimes just a moment when there’s a song on the radio

it reminds me i’ve forgotten to remember you are gone

Kirsten is riding in the car.

The driver is talking.

Driver turns up the radio. Loves this song.

Kirsten smiles then looks out the window.

See housed decorated for christmas out the car window.


EXT car on road with houses decorated for christmas

Jim, Driver

They say there’s just so many days you have to wait

but this hole inside my heart does not seem to dissipate

Jim and Kirsten singing. Shots of both and of each. Closeup and wide.


INT dining room decorated for Birthday

Jim, Party guest

i take each day, i make it good, i try to live it

so that people can not see some pieces of my heart are gone

Birthday party. Dining room decorated with balloons and happy birthday banner. Jim is looking around the room at the decorations.

Shots of people talking and laughing.

People sitting around the table. Someone bringing out a cake with candles lit. People wooo and smile

Jim is blowing out the candles. Everyone claps


Front Door of two different houses

and i do not use those words like home or forever

cause the meaning of those words have changed since you’ve been gone

Kirsten is walking up to the front door. With Easter decoration on it.

Jim is walking up to the front door with 4th of July decoration on it.

Jim puts key in lock and opens door

Kirsten puts key in lock and opens door

Jim walks in and stops to look at a room with no one there.


Some pretty setting EXT or INT

They say there’s just so many days you have to wait

but this hole inside my heart does not seem to dissipate

Jim and Kirsten singing. Shots of both and of each. Closeup and wide.

Different seasons of clothes. Full shot with each wardrobe so can run through them quickly on the video.


INT dining room decorated for Thanksgiving

my friend said something, made me laugh, it was so funny

i thought i had to tell you cause for an instant i forgot

Thanks giving dinner decorated for fall. Kirsten talking to a friend and laughing.

Shots of decorations.

Wide and closeups of kirsten and friend


INT Store

I saw a snowman in the store around the corner

I almost bought it cause i know you’d love it so

Snowman on shelf in store.

See Jim smile as he looks at it.

Jim's hand picks it up.

As he picks it up, see Jim looking at it and his smile fades for a sad smile


EXT house decorated for Christmas

They say there’s just so many days you have to wait

but this hole inside my heart does not seem to dissipate

Jim is driving up to a house decorated for Christmas.

Jim knocking on the door that has a wreath.

Kirsten opens the door


INT living room house decorated for Christmas

INT dining room house decorated for Christmas

People decorate their houses for the seasons

and my table is crowded with the people who aren’t here

Jim goes inside.

Jim and Kirsten walk into the room with a christmas tree, where people are laughing and talking.

Camera moves through the room to the dining room, where the table is set, but no one is there yet.

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