Sunday, June 27, 2021

Omeleto Shorts

Omeleto is a great place to get inspired to make a movie.

I watched this tear jerker one today. Along with several others. Easy to start binging shorts.

Omeleto is also a place to Submit your work: 

Ask Questions When Writing

Listening to a youtube video interview with Glen Ger. Some of his comments:

Characters are moving until they run into something else moving.

Every character in the story thinks they are the main character. They all have something they have to accomplish. Others are getting in their way of accomplishing it. Obstacle can be external or internal. Another character or a fear of something for example.

Ask these questions about your story:

  • Who is it about?
  • what they want?
  • why can't they get it?
  • what do they do about it?
  • why doesn't that work?
  • how does it end?

Keep asking why? If the obstacle is fear of something, why is the character afraid of that. Why do they do what do they do

He said you have to learn your process. What works best for you. He works in short burst. If he writes too long in one sitting, he may write over something that was good. So he has learned to take breaks. Find your own process, but do it in some way that it is written down,Get it out of you head and into the world.

The interview:

Glen Ger in imdb:


Saturday, June 26, 2021

Friday, June 25, 2021







EarLuminators are Storytellers
Whether they tell it with a music keyboard, or a computer keyboard, a guitar, a voice, or pictures in motion. The writer tells the story to the director, the director to the actors, the actors to the director of photography, the director of photography to the editor, and the editor to the audience.

EarLuminators are Storytellers

Whether they tell it with a music keyboard, or a computer keyboard, a guitar, a voice, or pictures in motion. The writer tells the story to the director, the director to the actors, the actors to the director of photography, the director of photography to the editor, and the editor to the audience.

JimmyLee Smith Acting Filmography

No expectations that you have to watch these, but if you can’t sleep some night, these might help, or hinder

Disclaimer: Hours of your life you will never get back, But if you like B horror movies and silly shorts...

THE GHOST IN THIS HOUSE - I wrote this one. Of course there are ghosts. 
ZOMBEAK! - my first role, and the beginning of my movie making addiction. I am an idiot assistant manager killed by a possessed chicken and then chopped up with an ax by a waitress.

BLACK ROSES - I am a pivot point, so I will just say I am a therapist, but you may never look at me the same way if you watch this one. Johny Depp would have loved this role.
BOB - scary Jim
Mr. Misery - scarier Jim. I am the personification of depression

AKASHI - Again a therapist
and i cast myself. This is my 'french film'

WITHIN - But sometimes I am an angel.

PUBLIC - This one is so funny no horror, but there are two more zombie ones after this. I lose a bet and have to go on a date with a number off of a bathroom wall

COLD SECONDS - I had a speaking part - one line before I am bit by a zombie

AFTER - I am just a zombie extra in this one
I am a vampire
Serial Killer
I am a, not sure exactly what I am in this New Years Day shoot
Tortured husband in a New Years Day shoot

GHOST BUSTED - pilot for a series
Ghost debunking TV show host

CHIA MAN - Dorito Commercial Contest Entry
I am ChiaMan!

A FUTURE PASSED - save the animals contest
I play a scientist. When we came up with this idea, i said you know we won't win, But we had a whole lot of fun making it

SOBER - Our first FilmAtlanta meetup group short.
I obviously don’t know how to smoke, even coffee bean cigarettes
I can't find the next two online anywhere, but they have imdb pages. And I hear C.R.A. is available in Poland
COMMUNIST ROBOT ALIENS - narrator and alien
LOVE TRANSCENDS - a 48 hour film fest entry
I played Marie Antionette’s executioner and had to speak French.

ZEP - voiceover
This is voiceover work for car detailing instructions using Zep products
Shooting Stars - no acting, just singing
This is a music videos for one of my songs
BURGER TIMES - am the Chef from the video game Burger Time, after he hits bad times

Monday, June 14, 2021


it's not even midnight

i walked down empty streets

i couldn't even pretend you may be there

in a crowded place

there was no crowed

there was no place

but a closing pub

with patrons that stay too long

i pass empty buildings

a facade hiding fallen walls

i don't even have to wait for the light to cross

one stranger passes

asks for direction to a place i don't know

i am a stranger in my own town

i walk through the empty promenade at the hotel 

the arcade is lit and full with the sounds of machines

but standing in the doorway, i pause

it is a liminal space

void of life

void of exit

with a robotic fortune teller greeting visitors

from his glass container

with knowing stare


as i walk away

i begin to feel out of place

out of time

wondering why i stay here

but remembering

this feeling is not new

i eventually find it everywhere

once the anticipation of discovery wears off

and the streets become familiar reminders

that this is not home.

Building a Cabin in the Woods

  more photos at