Dungeons and Demons
By J. Smith Kirkland
“Let's see. Where did we leave off?”
Tchort checks his tally sheet.
“You had captured two of my nun, and four monks, and I had 5 of your nuns and one monk. Making you six nuns nine monks, to my nine nuns a four monks.”
Chemos didn't know why he trusted Tchort to keep the score, but he didn't want to do it himself. Still he is not sure about the nun count.
“How did you get so many of my nuns?”
“Remember? I forfeited one of my hot monks. He took three down at one time just by taking off his shirt in the garden.”
“Oh yeah. But I have him now. I can probably put Brother Bob to better use than that.”
“Well, it's my move. And Sister Matalin is just about to get a bad thought. I'm going to try to get her to steal the bread from your monastery and bring it to mine.”
Tchort roles 2 six sided die.
“Eleven! Success!”
They both watch as Sister Matalin pulls a duffel bag from under her bed. Then she sneaks into the pantry and starts to stuff it with days worth of bread.
“Alright,” Chemos retorts, “I will block with Brother Bob. He just had the oddest urge to go straight to the pantry.” With a role of the dice, “Ten! Success! And oh look, he can't find his shirt.”
"Not fair!"
Shirtless Brother Bob walks into the pantry. Sister Matalin turns with a startle to think she was discovered, then almost swoons when she sees Brother Bob standing there.”
Before the the action could continue, Mantus walks into the room.
“Tchort! Chemos! Are you playing with Abaddon's toys again? Put them back like you found them right this minute. How many time do I have to tell you not to take his playthings. Go play with your Moabites and those Serbics that your Grandfather gave you last Christmas.
The two reluctantly chanted and waved their hands, and All the nuns and monks were back where they were at the start of the game. No memory of the event of the last two days.
In a mysterious valley, two rival abbeys of nuns and monks serving the same strange god play a secret game unbeknownst to their superiors. When the stakes for the game become souls, how can the game be ended — and the debts to the demon of chance be paid?
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